We take up all athletes of different fitness levels and ages and train them in the endurance events of running, cycling, swimming, triathlon, duathlon, and aquathlon events.
Dedication and consistent training is all that an athlete needs to get desired results. So, We motivate each of our athletes and train them for reaching their goals despite their busy professional and family life.

Running  –  5km,10km, Half Marathon( 21.1km), Marathon(42.2km)

Cycling –  TimeTrails


Standard event- 2.5km Run-1000mts Swim-2.5km Run.
Long event- 2000m swim & 10km Run


Sprint – 5km Run, 20km Bike, 2.5km Run
Standard- 10km Run, 40Km Bike, 5km Run
Middle distance – 10km Run, 60 Bike, 10km Run
Long Distance- 10km Run, 150km Bike, 30km Run


Novice- 300m Swim, 8km Bike, 2Km Run
Super Sprint- 400 Swim, 10km Run, 2.5km Run
Sprint- 750m Swim, 20km Bike, 5km Run
(Standard) Olympic- 1500m Swim, 40km Bike, 10km Run
Ironman (70.3) – 1900m Swim, 90km Bike, 21.1km Run
Ironman- 3900m Swim, 180km Bike, 42.2km Run